

The Shosh Village School is a Unique Synthesis: School Principal Hamlet Harutyunyan

The Shosh village school is a unique synthesis. With the support of public funding many problems have been solved and hopefully the remaining problems will soon be solved, too.

The Shosh Village School is a Unique Synthesis: School Principal Hamlet Harutyunyan

 The Shosh Village School is a Unique Synthesis: School Principal Hamlet Harutyunyan

The number of first-graders at the Shosh village School in Askeran region for 2013-2014 academic year has not changed as compared to the previous year, making 9 pupils.     

The reporter of "Artsahpress" Mariam Safarian had a talk with the School Principal Hamlet Harutyunyan.

 ''The pupils of the neighbouring village Mkhitarashen also attend the Shosh village school as a result of lack of a local school. Currently the school has 68 pupils, and is provided with necessary specialists. Every year the pupils actively participate in regional and national competitions, winning prizes.

The three-story Shosh School was built in 2004 through the support of the Fund’s Toronto affiliate. With the continued sponsorship of Toronto’s Armenian community, the school’s computer lab is receiving Internet access, it's already 2 years. Additionally, the school received new school uniforms, sportswear.

The school also received support from ''Pyunik'' foundation: 10 computers and laboratory devices for physics, chemistry and biology classrooms.

It received a new school bus. The bus will be utilized to transport children from nearby villages to the school, according to the chairman of Armenia Fund Toronto, Migirdich Migirdichian''.

Talking about the major issues, Harutyunyan especially noted the importance of school yard fencing so as animals didn’t cross the border into school. Besides the school is located next to the main roadway, the task is ensuring complete safety of pupils. The School does not have a gym, due to adverse weather conditions, physical education classes are held in the classrooms.

''The Shosh village school is a unique synthesis. With the support of public funding many problems have been solved and hopefully the remaining problems will soon be solved, too"- said H. Harutyunyan.






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