

"Sumgait Crime. A story to know." Scientific Readings Organized in Stepanakert

On February 28, scientific-educational readings dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Sumgait pogroms were held in the Artsakh State University.

"Sumgait Crime. A story to know." Scientific Readings Organized in Stepanakert

STEPANAKERT,  MARCH 1, ARTSAKHPRESS: As "Artsakhpress" informs, the event  entitled "Sumgait Crime. A story to know" was organized by the head of the Department of History and Political Science, Nune Sarumyan. She noted that events related to the Sumgait crime were presented to the students as part of the scientific-educational readings.

Нет описания."The massacre was planned to be carried out in Artsakh, but since demonstrations were taking place here in February 1988, and the Azerbaijani authorities could not carry out the genocide in Stepanakert, because it had become the focus of events, they demonstrated their genocidal behavior in the city of Sumgait. It continued in Baku, Kirovabad, Shamakhi and other Armenian settlements. With that crime, the Azerbaijani authorities tried to silence the Artsakh Armenians, to force them to give up their right to self-determination," said N. Sarumyan.

Нет описания.Recalling the days of February 1988, the historian presented that there were foreigners in the ranks of the military controlling the movement, who did not understand Armenian, but gave a sign in Russian that something would happen soon. "The slaughter that was planned to be carried out in Artsakh was stopped with the mediation of the central government. However, at that time, troops landed on Admiral Isakov Street in Stepanakert, shots were fired, a murder was committed, after which the troops were immediately withdrawn, and people in blue berets came to establish peace,”our interlocutor introduced.

In the context of examining the historical events, the speaker highlighted the importance of learning from the events of Sumgait, noting that the unity of the youth should be at the core of the activities, because only thanks to the unity the nation can achieve successes.







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